What is National Caribbean American Heritage Month?
The United States' relationship with the Caribbean dates back to colonial times, when the Caribbean was one of the first regions to be visited by European settlers in the late 15th century.
Caribbean Americans have made an array of contributions since then. These include cultural, socioeconomic, and political contributions. June was proclaimed National Caribbean American Heritage Month in 2006 because of their continuous contribution to American society and diversity.
Who are Caribbean Americans?
Caribbean Americans include those with ethnic backgrounds from English-speaking countries like Jamaica and French-speaking country Haiti. They also include those from Spanish-speaking countries like Cuba, Dominican Republican, and of course, American territory Puerto Rico. You can also read more on the Census website.
How many Caribbean Americans are there in the U.S. today?
According to the U.S. Census, there are around 13 million Caribbean Americans in the U.S. today. Caribbean Americans are in our communities, in popular culture, and have been contributing to our society for centuries. Famous Caribbean American include Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and a variety of influential figures in popular culture.
If you'd like to learn more about this topic, you can learn about our country's Caribbean American ethnic makeup on the Census website. Explore the National Archives for digital historical documents regarding Caribbean American history.